Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Hearts Day.

My cousin's wife Becca (what does that make her to me...besides cool?) has a website called Store & Style. It has great ideas on how to get organized, cool craft ideas, yummy sounding recipes, (I don't know, I've never gotten brave enough to try one, but if someone makes the pumpkin cookies I'd love a taste!) fun giveaways and other neat stuff like that.

For Thanksgiving Li and I made the Thanksgiving Tree that is pictured above. I liked it so much that for FHE last week we turned it into a Valentine's Day tree.

St. Paddy's Day is coming up...maybe you could try a green one. But I'm not too sure what you'd write on your 4 leaf clovers or pots of gold. Any ideas?


Anonymous said...

That's such a neat idea!

lex said...

That is such a cute idea. My name better be on one of those hearts. Or Thanksgiving leaves. Or something.

Rebecca W. said...

That is soooo cute! Thanks for the plug, you're awesome. Keep me updated on your little coconut!

Jennifer Clement said...

I love it!! :)

Lisa Johnson said...

I've been wondering what that was in the background of your cute belly pictures! Thanks for reading my mind!

mikensi said...

leprechans!! they're magically delicious. yeah, hang some lucky charms! hey, you never emailed your address so i could send you a card! :( now, go- i command you! mikensi.jung@gmail!

Amber said...

Very cute and fun tradition!! I seriously think you are just too dang cute!