Yes, I know it is just a white pot. But I have spent at least an hour putting at least 6 coats of white on this pot and one day real soon inspiration is going to hit me and then you'll see.
But today my friend's boss asked our husbands to help her move to a new house. It was only supposed to be for a few hours and she was going to pay them. I didn't want to be home alone so I tagged along. As the day wore on into the afternoon and early evening we realized it wasn't a quick project, and that they weren't going to be making very good money. But I realized that I didn't care! I just like to be with people that I like doing anything.
When we got home Li fell asleep and I surfed the internet for awhile. But I don't like to sit still, so I grabbed my ipod and my longboard and decided to go for a skate with Yael Naim.
This picture probably just looks like a road to you. It is. But I have tried many times to skate down this road and always failed. I'm a sissy-pants.
lol!! that ending of the story made me laugh out loud! ^.^ how funny! i'm cheerin for you now :) i'm sad you can't go to the beach with us. maybe another day. fhe sunday??
p.s. LOVE the song!
I coldl just picture you with your fist in the air and everything! Totally awesome! You do everything for FUN- that's just how you live! I just love your fun spirit!
Take Care
lol, i like that we're communicating over blogspot. wow, we are... ... wow. aight, just let me know what's up for sunday :) we'll be around! check you later!
haha! thats a funny story. I live on that street! skate on down my way! I'll even cheer for you when you get there :)
oh yeah i forgot to tell you how to make bbq roast sandwiches---its easy-just put a roast in a crock pot with a whole bottle of bbq sauce for 8 hours, then pull out the roast and drain all the sauce. then shred the roast, and put it back in the crock pot. add another bottle of bbq sauce and let it sit for another hour or so to let the meat marinate in the sauce. and then put it in hamburger buns!! its SOO good. and easy! i like to make seasoned potatoes with it too. wow i feel like an old lady; getting excited over what i make for dinner!
why thank you! I have the hardest time writing things down in an actual journal and I think this is the funnest way to actually document what I am up to. I love life! The Cruise was fun... You probably see stuff like that every day tho! you and your hubby are supper cute!
SO FUNNY! I could see the lady's face who was slowly following you, like I've seen it there before....:) WAY TO GO though!!! And I love New Soul too!
I love your wedding pic, it's gorgeous. Sorry, we didn't make it. Hope you're enjoying married life!
I am so impressed! Good for you. I have tried that before and no no no way was did I even get past the attempt phase. I respect that. I am cheering you on in heart!
I love your white pot! my drawing class has really helped me in the art appreciation department. I'm gonna put some of my drawings on my blog--you've inspired me. :)
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