I'm very happy I stumbled across it.
best of craigslist > phoenix > Wanted: Taxidermist who watches a lot of Kung Fu Originally Posted: Tue, 26 May 17:37 MST
Wanted: Taxidermist who watches a lot of Kung Fu
Date: 2009-05-26, 5:37PM MST
I am looking to hire someone with the means to obtain and stuff animals in fashions I choose, which will be Kung Fu for now. When I was younger I convinced a friend of mines dad to create two squirrels Kung Fu fighting. I still think about it from time to time and have decided to get my own Kung Fu animals, I understand this is a bizarre request. Serious inquiries only, please E-Mail me the species of animals you commonly hunt or can obtain and your rate for taxidermy of each in various Kung Fu poses. Mounting preferred. Once again I feel I must state this is serious. If you can show any of your previous work it will probably give you an edge on the competition. Please respond via/e-mail. Thank you.
PostingID: 1190484174
- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
- Compensation: There will be payment, decent pay. Depends on quality of work and product which will vary.
That's awesome. Brad stumbled on another great website a couple of days ago - we've become big fans of awkwardfamilyphotos.com.
NOt sure what to say about THAT but baby Carter is ADORABLE!!! COngrats you guys on a beautful son. And Jen, way to hang in there with such a tough delivery! sheesh! you're a REAL woman!
weird, that is pretty funny, though! hey, how's your recovery? :( hope it's going well! so far mine is good. i keep up on my motrin pretty well, so it's not too bad. i hope carter and jae get to meet someday!
Okay so I'm a little late getting on the blog, but congrats on the baby. He is ADORABLE! It stinks that you had to have a c-section but I love hearing about birth stories so thanks for sharing
haha! that is so weird! I wish I could meet the person who applies for that job!
Hey no problem. I might be coming through Hurricane on my way to Cedar on Tuesday but I'm not 100% sure. If you just want to take it to my mom's whenever that is fine. She'll be coming over here next Sunday for the blessing so that will be fine.
dear jen, i miss you and your blogging. love, kens
I'm sorry, but I seriously need to see some updated photos of your little man! How's life going for you guys? I wish we could hang out sometime. Bummer I live 16 hours away. Well take care of you!
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it
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