Wednesday, May 20, 2009


At my appointment today they told me I was 1 cm dilated. Being the google nerd that I am I came home and almost immediately started reading forums about how long women were dilated to what point and other silly things like that.

But I came across a gem....a blog called Tales from Labor and Delivery
It's written by a girl who works in Labor and Delivery and her stories are hysterical. The link is itsababynotbrainsurgery if that gives you any indication. (Mikensi if you don't go read this blog right now I will be really disappointed!)

Also I ran into someone at the doctor's office today who was due after me, but was on the way to the hospital to give birth. Scary.


mikensi said...

lol! i am totally adding that to my blog. too funny! i opened the link in a new tab and then kept reading your blog, so i definitely didn't disappoint you! ha ha ha, awesome! i can't believe you are getting closer and closer! ahhhh!!

Unknown said...

ANY DAY NOW!!!!! how exciting!!! you are in the home stretch....

mikensi said...

i read the whole blog. it's done. over. and i am sad about that. i think i will have to read it again. you popped yet? ;)

Melissa said...

only 14 days to go!!! how crappy are you feeling? :) speaking of girls due after you and having babies before about that criddle baby?! crazy. thanks for the blog link. I read so much of it and laughed a lot. any more dilating? :)