Thursday, October 16, 2008


So I went to the doctor the other day for a UTI, the 2nd love of my life. She prescribed an antibiotic. I asked her if I should take that if there was any chance I was pregnant. She said no and decided to test just in case. The tester lady came in with a slip of paper and it said positive on it. Time pretty much stopped. I was REALLY hoping the little slip of paper would say positive on it, but it's another thing when it actually does say it. Whew.

To answer your questions...
  • We are almost 6 weeks along and due sometime around June 12th.
  • Right now I think it will be born here in HI, but that may change.
  • I am not puking, but almost wish I could. Almost. I feel sick all day long and have to force myself to eat anything. I'm pretty sure I weigh less than what it says on my drivers license.
  • We are both stoked about this.
  • I think about all the bad things that could happen all day long. Paranoid, would probably be a good word for it.
  • Did I mention we are really excited?
This is me pretending to look pregnant. he he he


Anonymous said...

im your favorite reader here!

Hodges Family said...

Jen i was also worried about all the things that could happen my best advice to you is don't read what to expect when your expecting and I also recommend going into it blindly because that help me not worry so much! There is one Fabulous book I recommend and that is the Happiest Baby on the Block it seriously works! I couldn't be happier for you and I also was sicker than a dog and couldn't eat but your doctor can give you something for that! also half of a unisom and vitam b6 will work pretty good so you don't feel so yucky! I am so excited!

Lisa Johnson said...

So, you could possibly have the baby for your birthday. Or on Lex's birthday (my half birthday)! That would be like the best present ever! You already know what I think you're going to have, and I'm planning accordingly already.

Laurel said...

Wow - we're so excited for you guys! Hope you're feeling okay and I'll second the vitamin B6 comment. I understand the worrying, too, and just remember how nice it was to have an ultrasound and hear the words "your baby's brain, heart, kidneys, etc., etc. look normal" - that was even better than finding out the gender.

Cierra said...

oh my goodness!! CONGRATS!!! that is just so very very exciting! i just happened to visit your blog, and look at the news i come across--yay!

now we only have 78 pregnant sisters in our ward. :) okay...that was an exaggeration.

Fern said...

Yet another June birthday in the family. Be glad you aren't throwing up since I did that for 5 months straight. It's exciting.

Min and Mary said...

Congratulations! I hope you develop a hearty appetite soon and grow a hearty baby. So, pix of the ultrasound in a few more months?

mikensi said...

heeey, i had a UTI/kidney thing goin on when i lived there! they also asked me the same question and did a test anyway. i'm pretty sure jimmy and i high fived each other when the nurse told me i tested negative for pregnancy.