#1 The details of Lisa's card class are finalized!
Wednesday October 29th, from 7:00-8:30 PM.
There is a $10 class fee.
You need to preregister by calling 435.628.4344
or in person at Roberts (720 W Telegraph St
Washington, UT 84780)
I have the supply list if you are interested or you can contact Leese.
#2 Lisa is giving away cards!!!!

Just leave a comment about something creative you've done recently, and you'll automatically be entered to win.
Oh and if you happened to miss the interview with Lisa you can check it out here.
Can I win? Hmmm...probably not, but I'll get the ball rolling anyway...
I invented this genius system of putting TP over my nose and securing it with a hair clip so I don't smell my house or my husband.
I'll probably patent it.
I'd love to win. I make hooded towels for friends who are having babies. You know the store bought ones? they're so thin and wimpy...never last with children, right? I make mine out of real adult size towels, they last well past childhood and they are the talk of the showers! very creative and very practical! And it's a great service to the mother. Did I win?
Give me a minute..I'm thinking of something...maybe this could count: I bought a fake plastic hand with blood on it and slammed it in the trunk of my car for a halloween decoration. People really seem to like it. Except for the little girl at Smiths who refused to walk past my car into the store.
Jen, I just sent that last comment under someone else's blogger ID. I have no idea whose or how that even happened.
I want them too. Creativity, eh? I made a really spectacular-looking dinner last week. Honestly, it was so aesthetically pleasing that I wanted to take a picture of it. too bad I didn't, because that photography bit would have been DOUBLE the creativity points, and then I would have won for sure.
I can't win, I already have the cards. I just wanted to make a correction to the time, it's from 7:00 - 8:30. I think Roberts wants to kill me in my first class. Thanks all!
Let's see...my creativity lately: Magnet board, see my blog later after I post pictures of it and my picture frame I made for Kaylen's Father's Day gift. Then there is Dylan's height chart I am working on, and I am making a chipboard album for Kaylen and will be doing those for our families as well. Oh yeah, and did you know you can make the picture trays with handles easier and cheaper yourself? You just buy a cute picture frame and then buy drawer handles and attach them to the frame and voila!
humm...I made a beach pillow by using old fabric out of the freebie bin and cotton from an old pillow then sewed it together, its small, comfy and perfect for the beach
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