Thursday, December 11, 2008


I woke up around noon and checked some blogs. I read one that said Laie was flooding.

I thought to myself, "huh?"

Then I read an emergency email from the school saying that the Stake Center was open as a shelter for students who needed it and the Old Gym was open as a First Aid center for the community.

Also volunteers were needed to help fill sandbags.

Also the graduation banquet is postponed until tomorrow.

Apparently outside my door a major storm raged all night long and left things like this...

and this...

That is my bishop, in a kayak, in the middle of the street.

You can see these pictures and more here.

And then you will have seen as much of the flood as I have.


Anonymous said...

I know what a CRAZY morning huh? And the funny part is that everything was closed BUT the testing center! ;)

Alysha said...

Dont you want to come to TVA now? hehe Crazy day!

mikensi said...

i didn't know your bishop was bro. compton! what a cool guy! anyway, are you still sicky at 14 wks?? you're not giving me any hope, honey! maybe we are both having girls! :O since we're so freakin sick! yeah, i've been mean to jimmy, too. but instead of him saying he wants to be pregnant, i yell at him, "YOU TRY BEING PREGNANT! YOU DID THIS TO ME!" lol :( poor husbands. pregnancy will turn them into men.